Behind the Bookcase (2012)

Author: Mark Steensland | Illustrator: Kelly Murphy | Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers | Ages 8 and up

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"A girl stumbles into a fantastic world in this tale perfect for fans of Coraline, Alice in Wonderland, and The Twilight Zone."

Kelly Murphy's cover for Behind the Bookcase, written by Mark Steensland and published by Delacorte Books for Young Readers, a division of Penguin Books. This illustration won awards in the 2012 Society of Illustrators 55th Annual Competition (Book category), the 3x3 Magazine Children's Show No. 9, a Gold Award from the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles (Book Category), the 2013 American Illustration 32 - Chosen, and the Luerzer's Archive 200 Best Illustrators 2014/2015.

"Spending the summer at her grandmother's house is the last thing Sarah wants to do-especially now that Grandma Winnie has died-but she has no choice. Her parents have to fix the place up before they can sell it, and Sarah and her brother, Billy, have to help. But the tedious work turns into a thrilling mystery when Sarah discovers an unfinished letter her grandmother wrote: Strange things are happening behind the bookcase..."

"Sarah's mother dismisses the letter as one of Grandma Winnie's crazy stories, but Sarah does some investigating and makes a remarkable discovery: behind the bookcase is a doorway into Scotopia, the land where shadows come from. With a talking cat named Balthazat as her guide, Sarah begins an unforgettable adventure into a world filled with countless dangers. Who can she trust? And can she face her fears, not only in Scotopia, but also back at Grandma Winnie's house, where more secrets and strange goings-on await her?"


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