A Place to Grow (2002)

Author: Stephanie Bloom | Illustrator: Kelly Murphy | Publisher: Bloom & Grow Books | Ages: 4-8

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"But I'm not like other seeds," said the tiny seed with a sniffle. "I'm a floater, not a grower." "You are a grower," whispered the Wind, "because that's what seeds do--they grow."

"No matter where it lands or how desperately it hopes, the tiny seed can't find a place to grow. Will the tiny seed ever find a home, or will it keep searching and floating forever? Together, the lyrical cadence of Stephanie Bloom's writing and the intriguing perspectives painted by Kelly Murphy vividly convey the journey of a tiny seed navigating its way through a very big world.

With playful charm and touching insight, A Place to Grow inspires us to discover our unique purpose and realize our full potential."

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: "The book challenges readers to overcome obstacles and realize their potential."

From the Miami Herald: "Encourages kids to explore, promoting learning and growth..."

From Education Update, Spring 2003: "Strongly recommend it to school librarians as well as parents in search of the next children's book for bedtime."

From The American Horticultural Society, August 2005: "Recipient of the "Growing Good Kids--Excellence in Children's Literature" Book Award for outstanding plant, garden and environment themed title."

The Boll Weevil Ball's Redd, making a cameo appearance.

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