Loony Little (2003)

Author: Dianna Hutts Aston | Illustrator: Kelly Murphy | Publisher: Charlesbridge | Ages: 4-8 (PreSchool-Grade 1)

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"Great top of the world! The polar icecap is melting!

When a drop of water falls - plop! - on Loony Little's head, she and her friends decide they must bring this unfortunate news to the fearsome Polar Bear Queen. Perhaps she can explain how this strange turn of events will affect them. But when sly Foxy Loxy volunteers to escort all the animals to the queen's lair, Loony starts to suspect that the fate of the Arctic and its marvelous creatures is not what the fox - or the queen - really cares about. Now who can they find who does care?"

"A wry, simple story with luminous illustrations offers a delightful twist on the traditional Chicken Little fable - and an important message about our environment."

The book's addendum features pleasantly realistic complementary illustrations by Kelly to educate the reader as to the North Pole's fauna.

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